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Space Race

(Solo Project & Non-Coursework)
Role(s): Programming, Design, Art and Implementation

Space race has been interesting to develop as it has changed direction since conception. It was originally going to be a galaxy exploring game, where you must harvest and trade resources to become a cosmic billionaire. Now it is a boss fight extravaganza but all the character and world design has influenced the feel of the game and future updates. I'm proud of this decision as I resisted the urged the scrap all my work and instead scaled it down. This was important as it allowed me to actually finish the game.

Releasing this demo to a high state of polish has taught me even more about the release process. In BlackJack and spells the release process was mainly tying everything together and playtesting over and over, but, with Space Race the release required me to make every element as visually polished as possible, including the level select preview and particle effects. Whilst my main focus is programming I do find joy in making a game as perfect as I can.

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