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Recruit & Conquer

(Solo Project & Non-Coursework)

Role(s): Programming, Design and Implementation

A RTS Rogue-like game where you must Recruit & Conquer your way through the kingdom. The player will control their units via RTS mechanics and will have to use strategy to defeat tough bosses. There will be unlockable characters and items like in most Rogue-likes that will give the player a sense of progression. 

The current video and pictures demonstrate my latest prototype for this game. To create this prototype I had to solve many problems. Such as: organizing units into formations, multiple unit selection, sorting lists of units, designing visual feedback for important information i.e. health,  recruit mechanic, enemy AI, unit auto attack AI and items. Whilst some problems were hard to solve initially, it was a lot of fun to beat them and have a working mechanic to show for it. I have really enjoyed developing this game so far and will definitely continue working on it.

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